第三代全新便攜式家用美容儀ELface A



第三代全新便攜式家用美容儀ELface A 💡ELface A其中一個賣點是上妝後亦可以使用,而且容易清潔打理,機身亦很輕巧‼️ 比起前兩代更加輕便,約一部iphone size等你出街答緊車定翻工偷緊懶都可以隨時拎出黎用~ 💎全方位零死角一步到位的便攜式家用美容儀,完全取代所有美容院最流行儀器!Hi-fu, thermage, pico, 水光針,嬰兒針! 任何時間,任何地點,開心靚,開心瘦! 🔸非入侵性及非創傷性療程 🔸使用1分鐘等於刮痧1,000次 🔸兩種模式,12個強度:細心照顧每吋肌膚的厚薄度 🔸去水腫,排水,通淋巴,加強肌膚底層循環,加速排走底層黑層色素 🔸以坊間常用的EMS微電流再加強深層針對成改善皮膚鬆弛 🔸產品已獲CE歐盟及KC韓國認可證可安心使用 對比前兩代不單更輕便,功能亦全方面提升! 📍運用電離子技術將產品中高效成分注入皮膚細胞 📍促進肌膚微循環、活化肌膚 📍達到煥膚補水、改善膚質、提亮膚色,讓皮膚即時回覆光彩 📍重塑緊緻肌膚 📍減淡暗瘡及袪印 📍刺激膠原蛋白增生 📍增加真皮層承托力 📍提升眼部肌膚 📍提升蘋果肌 📍輪廓緊緻效果 📍撫平細紋並收細毛孔 兩個模式: 1️⃣ L mode (藍燈):通淋巴,加強血液循環,排走皮膚底層毒素黑色素 ace detox。 L mode 感覺,刺激我們肌肉,淋巴,一下一下收縮和放鬆的感覺。 🔺產品能加強面部肌肉運動,要幫助面部兩邊平衡,和加強面部V-line線條感。 Face rebalancing, face contouring. 🔺L mode 亦可以迅速去水腫。 2️⃣ S mode(紅燈): 三日一次,建議配合 paper mask同時使用,然後在 paper mask上按壓淋巴位置,按摩需要收緊位置例如 Jawline V-line。這個模式針對改善皮膚質感,提升皮膚緊致度,增加膠原蛋白,即時拉提效果。建議晚上使用,三日做一次。 🏷️與使用激光的方法不同,用戶在使用本產品時,無需擔憂炎症及燒傷等副作用。 用法: 🔸開關開機 🔸左側+/-調節效能 15級效能 調至最高或最低 時會有嘟嘟2聲提示 🔸長按開關切換L mode(藍燈)/ S mode(紅燈) 轉換後繼承原本效能級別 韓國製造 WhatsApp 我們: 📞https://bit.ly/3ikq1Zo (852) 69000-115 📞https://bit.ly/2T8VRPC (852) 90222-319 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 📍 JustKidding WhatsApp Group有限定優惠 & 限定快閃產品!加入WhatsApp Group後,第一次落單仲會送特別禮品 (記得在落單時出示證明啊)! 快啲入WhatsApp Group領取更多著數優惠啦😍 https://chat.whatsapp.com/JwePA6MhsMp24GOuEIfZsE ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Elface A Korean beauty dermatology treatment at home 🔹It can be used even with your makeup on❣️ 🔹Easy to clean, the body is very lightweight! 🔹Comparable to Hi-fuHi-fu / Thermage / Pico / Mesotherapy 🔹This facial beauty device is used by makeup. After almost 17 years of research. Elface cosmetic device developed by a Korean manufacturer that solves many skin problems. 🔹The largest output in the home facial beauty instrument, allowing you to experience the beauty of Korea at home 🔹No Special Gel Needed, Battery Operated, Excellent Cost: No special gel needed, no additional cost. Battery operated, no discharge, can be used for approximately 3 months. 🔹Two modes switching function and strength adjustment only Easy to handle by anyone. Lightweight and compact body with 130g Free carrying bag Airplane Carry-On 🔹(24k Pure Gold Plated) The electrode uses 24k pure gold plating which is highly compatible with the skin. Daily care is also OK in 10 minutes. Equipped with 2 modes: lymphatic nodal circulation mode that supports a clean face line, and a skin resilience mode that helps to adjust the texture of your skin and help with tightness. 🔹Recommended for those who suffer from aging care, lifts up the face line, tightening small faces, skin and sagging eyes, chin and swelling. We have a bright and vibrant life 🔹Total sales exceeding 100 million yen. Campfire Facial Beautifying Category 1st ranked in the Crowdfunding Campfire. This product is especially popular in their 20s, 30s and 40s
